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Norfolk Children's Services kinship offer

Kinship support team

The kinship support team is a large multi-disciplinary team of more than 20 people, including:

  • Social workers
  • Occupational therapists
  • Support workers
  • Duty workers
  • Support and contact co-ordinators
  • Therapeutic parenting worker

Contact the kinship support team

Once you have been awarded a special guardianship order, you can contact the kinship support team on 01603 224131 for support.

If the child was previously looked after by the local authority, they can access a needs assessment via the team. This may result in recommendation for intervention including therapies which would be funded via the adoption and special guardianship support fund.

If the child was not previously looked after, the team can offer advice and signposting to other services. 

Further support

For more support you can attend events and training sessions. Visit the Kinship website to find free sessions for kinship carers.

Family help and high needs directorate teams that support kinship carers.

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