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Norfolk Children's Services kinship offer

Adoption and special guardianship support fund

When a child comes into the care of their council, they are known as a 'looked after child.' If the child you care for was previously looked after by the local authority, you may be able to access the adoption and special guardianship support fund (ASGSF)

This is a fund offered by the Department of Education, a central government agency. It enables children and young people to access funding for therapeutic interventions.

There are strict criteria regarding what therapy can be funded, and the team can offer advice about this. Contact the adoption and special guardianship support fund team.

The fund is only guaranteed until the end of March 2025.  

Further information

More about the ASGSF and how it works on the First4adotpion website.

More about the ASGSF and how to apply on the GOV.UK website.

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