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Norfolk Children's Services kinship offer

Family help and high needs directorate

The directorate is led by Phil Watson, Director Family help and High Needs. Phil has been a qualified social worker since the late 1990's. 

The family help and high needs directorate is responsible for all children's social care practice and special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) operations in Norfolk.

Family help and high needs has centralised county-wide services and case-holding teams in six localities:

  • Breckland
  • Great Yarmouth
  • King's Lynn and West Norfolk
  • North Norfolk and Broadland
  • Norwich
  • South Norfolk

There are several teams within the directorate available to support kinship carers. 

Directorate teams to support kinship carers 

Children's Advice and Duty Service

The Children's Advice and Duty Service (CADS) is a 'front door' team of senior consultant social workers.

If you have concerns regarding safeguarding, contact CADS via our customer service centre.

Children with disabilities service

The children with disabilities (CWD) service consists of specialist social workers and occupational therapists for children with disabilities.

If you believe your child needs help from the CWD services, contact CADS via our customer service centre.

Family help teams

Family help teams bring together the:

  • Family assessment and safeguarding teams (FAST)
  • Family support
  • Intensive and specialist support service (ISSS) functions

The teams support families who require help and protection, with the focus on a lead professional who maintains the relationship with the family. The teams can bring in specialist workers without delay, allowing families and kinship carers to be supported at the right time by the right person.

For support from family help, contact CADS via our customer service centre.

SEND education, health and care plan service

The statutory SEND service delivers all aspects of assessment, planning, provision and review of education health care plans (EHCP) across Norfolk for children and young people aged 0-25.

They have direct relationships with key partners in education establishments and health and social care within the children's and adults' system, with a focus on ensuring coherent and integrated plans which detail children's holistic needs and the provision that is necessary to meet them.

If you believe your child needs additional support due to special educational needs, view our SEND Local Offer.

Virtual school for children in care and children previously in care

Norfolk's virtual school promotes the educational outcomes of:

  • Children in care
  • Children previously in care
  • Children with a social worker

They support and challenge schools, social carers and partners to ensure the progress and attainment of these children and young people.

If your child was previously looked after prior to the making of the court order, the virtual school may be able to offer you additional support. Learn more about the virtual school for looked after and previously looked after children.

Fostering, kinship care and adoption services

Fostering, kinship care and adoption services' teams focus on recruiting, approving and supporting people providing short-term, long-term and permanent care for children.

If you become a temporarily approved foster carer, you will be supported by an experienced supporting social worker who has knowledge of the challenges faced by kinship carers and will know how best to advice and support. 

Welfare rights

As a kinship carer you can contact welfare rights regarding advice on benefits and ensure you are receiving all you are entitled to. The welfare rights service helps clients to identify missing benefits and assist with complex claim forms or telephone claims to maximise the service user's income.

Where benefits have been stopped by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), the team will challenge decisions made where appropriate, including during mandatory reconsiderations or through representing the service user at tribunal.

Get help and advice with benefits and contact the welfare rights service.

The Emergency Duty Team

The Emergency Duty Team (EDT) runs out of hours support for situations that don't require 999 services. 

Find out more about the EDT and urgent out of hours help.

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