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How to use this website

This website has a range of information, advice and tools. It's designed to help you change your behaviour for a more healthy lifestyle.

There's specific advice aimed at helping you to:

We also have more general advice on how to change any behaviour. This website is suitable for anyone wanting to:

  • Start some new healthy behaviours from the beginning
  • Re-start some behaviours you may have tried in the past but may not have been successful with
  • Keep up and maintain any healthy behaviours you're already doing

This website can also help you decide if there's any behaviours you want to change.

How do I use the website?

We've split each section, whether it's losing weight or stopping smoking, into three steps:

  • The first step is an assessment to give you personalised feedback and advice.
  • The second step is information and advice to help you change your behaviour. You may already know some of this and can browse and read as you like.
  • The third step is the most important, as this is where you start to change your behaviour. You'll find tools to help you set goals or targets, plan how to tackle problems when they arise and maintain your new behaviours.

The information, advice and tools come from research studies. They're proven to help people change their behaviours and improve their health.

So we recommend following our 'core' information and advice in the suggested order.

It's important you feel comfortable to work through this website at your own pace.

We'd encourage you to pause at points and explore how these skills might work for you in your own life, then return at other times.

How long will it take to change my behaviour?

Turning changes to your behaviour into habits that will stick takes a little time.

We recommend at least setting yourself a goal at your first visit. Then you can come back again a few more times to learn about other tools.

What if I want to read more about a topic?

Each behaviour has a page listing extra resources and we've added links to other information too.

We've chosen these resources as they support our information and activities, so you feel as supported as possible.

What if I have a medical condition?

We've designed this information to support you in making behavioural changes, which may help to improve your health. This is not medical advice.

You shouldn't alter or stop taking any prescribed medication or treatment without speaking to your medical practitioner.

If you think the advice given here may impact on any ongoing health condition, speak to your medical practitioner first.

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