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At the shops

At The Shops 720 480

Listening skills

  • Listen out for different sounds
  • Can you hear the noise the box of cereal makes when you shake it?
  • Talk about what sounds you hear in the supermarket

Learning new words

  • Name things as you put them in the trolley, unpack them or write your shopping list
  • Talk about how things look and feel - colour, texture, weight

Following instructions

  • Ask your child to find things that you name - e.g. 'can you find the bananas?'.
  • Or show them a picture of the thing you want them to find
  • Make sure you name it out loud too!
  • If it's too easy then ask them to find 2 or 3 things!
  • Find things by description, e.g. 'can you find something red/round/big?'

Talk about what category things belong to

  • When you are unpacking the shopping talk about where things belong
  • 'Should we put the milk in the fridge or in the cupboard?'
  • 'I'm going to put the oranges in the fruit bowl with the other fruit - apples and bananas'
  • Try deliberately putting things in the wrong place - children love it when grown-ups are silly!

Play around with sounds

  • Talk about the sound that things begin with - 'I bought some biscuits, that begins with a b sound'
  • Have fun with clapping out the syllables in food names, for example, 'listen to how many claps are in banana -ba-na-na, that's 3 claps!'
  • Think of rhyming words (real or made-up words) for things that you unpack from your shopping bags!