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Norfolk in Care Council Locality groups

We have six Norfolk in Care Council (NiCC) groups that meet all over Norfolk so there will always be one close to where you live.

The meetings are chaired by a child or young person who is elected every year by the group's members. The groups meet once a month.

A participation officer and an independent reviewing officer come to each meeting to help out, but the discussions and decisions on what the group wants to talk about or work on are up to the children and young people.

Some of the things they have already worked on are:

  • The SNAP documents
  • The promise - this is a document which tells all children and young people in care about their rights. There are two different promises - one for 0-25 years and one for 16+ years, as some things change when you get older.
  • Social worker profiles - these will be completed by all social workers and shared with children and young people so they can see what their new worker looks like and learn something about them
  • How Children's Services should manage a change of social worker. This is now being shared with senior managers.

Find out more about your local group:

Contact us

If you are interested in getting involved with any of the virtual meetings , or have any ideas for other meetings you would like to see happen, email and we will get in touch.