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TITAN Primary

Be a perfect pedestrian

Being a good pedestrian is an important skill. It will help to keep you safe on your journeys, and show adults and friends that you are ready to travel independently.

Now that you are starting a new school and might be walking a different route or travelling in a new way, you need to think about road safety.

Green Cross Code

The Green Cross Code is a great way to remember how to safely cross the road. There are four steps:

Stop - Stop and wait on the pavement where you want to cross the road. A lot of the time, you will be stopping at a crossing but sometimes you might need to cross where there isn't a crossing to use.

Look - Once you have stopped, you need to make sure you look both ways - left and right - to check for oncoming traffic or other road users. Doing this will make sure you know what is coming and you will be aware of any dangers.

Listen - Sometimes you can hear traffic before you can see it, so listen out for any other road users that might be coming your way.

Think - Finally you must think about whether it is now safe to cross. Is it a safe time to cross and are you in a safe place to cross?

As you cross the road, always remember to keep looking both ways and listening for anything you might not be able to see. It's important to walk across the road - never run - because you could trip over as you're walking.

Road ready? Expect the unexpected

Here are some tips about how to stay safe when you're walking close to a road.

Watch this video about road safety and keep an eye out for some things to avoid on your travels to stay safe.

Practice makes perfect

Every time you want to cross the road remember to:

  • Stop at the crossing or on the pavement
  • Look both ways to check for vehicles and other road users
  • Listen as you can sometimes hear traffic before you can see it
  • Think about whether you can now cross
  • Only when it is safe to cross, should you step out and walk to the other side of the road, looking both ways as you go