Education and learning

Includes school admissions, school term dates and holidays, and school attendance
School and college transport
Travelling to school, sixth form and college including free school transport, travel passes and SEND transport

Adult learning
Find adult learning courses and workshops, learner support and careers advice and guidance
Guidance on how to find an apprenticeship in Norfolk and how businesses can employ an apprentice
Help You Choose website
Careers information and advice website, with courses and training options in Norfolk for 16-25 year-olds
Multiply free maths courses
Open to anyone age 19+ who does not have a maths GCSE at grade C (or equivalent)
Elective Home Education (EHE)
Information and resources for home educators
Childcare and early learning
Advice and information about childcare and early education for 0-5 year-olds
SEND Local Offer
Services for children and young people with special education needs and/or disabilities
Libraries for children, young people and schools
Library services for children, young people and schools