Webpages related to the Roads and transport section

Planned roadworks
Get information on roadworks, diversions and closures on the one.network website

Report a problem
Tell us about a problem you've found on a Norfolk road, pavement or cycleway
Roads and transport
Webpages in the Roads and transport section
Includes report a highways problem, planned roadworks and road maintenance
Public transport
Includes buses, Park and Ride and rail

Major projects and improvement plans
Detailed information about our large scale projects and proposals
School and college transport
Includes school transport, post-16 transport, SEN transport provisions and the cycle allowance scheme
Highways permits and licences
The legal permits you need to obtain to carry out roadworks or streetworks on the public highway
Information for transport providers
How to become a Norfolk County Council approved transport provider
Free travel advice and support for residents and developers
Roads and travel policies and performance
Including the Local Transport Plan, our winter maintenance policy and Transport Asset Management Plan
Road maintenance bids and funding
Including the Parish Partnership Scheme and the Pothole Action Fund
Cycling and walking in Norfolk
Information and tips on cycling and walking in Norfolk
Norfolk School Streets trial
Norfolk School Streets is a trial to help make the journey to school safer and more pleasant
Farming and the highway
Information for farmers and landowners about working on public highways
Moving traffic and bus lane enforcement
How to pay or challenge a fine you have received and information on where and why we enforce