Accessibility statements
Accessibility statements for Norfolk County Council's websites
Care, support and health
Health and wellbeing, including adult social care and support, coronavirus and Blue Badges
Jobs, training and volunteering
Current vacancies, training and apprenticeship opportunities and information about volunteering
Roads and transport
Report a highways problem, information on improvement works, public transport and other ways to travel
What we do and how we work
How the Council operates, including our policies, campaigns and Councillor information
Births, ceremonies and deaths
Marriages and civil partnerships, copy certificates and other registration services
Children and families
Includes family support, childcare and early learning, safety and the SEND Local Offer
Libraries, local history and archives
Norfolk libraries, including online resources, historical records and collections
Rubbish, recycling and planning
Includes recycling centres, flood and water management, land use and ecology
Includes tendering contracts with the Council, licencing, grants and Trading Standards

Education and learning
Schools, including admissions and transport, Adult Learning and home education
Out and about in Norfolk
Making the most of Norfolk's outdoors, including trails and public rights of way
Advice on keeping safe, including emergency disruptions and Fire Service information