Highlighted web content from Norfolk County Council
Norfolk County Council slashes carbon emissions by 61%
Norfolk County Council is on course to hit its 2030 carbon emissions savings target
Second World War veterans attend Battle of Britain Commemoration
The event was hosted by Norfolk County Council Chairman, Councillor Stuart Dark MBE
Norfolk County Council
Highlighted information
Help with living costs if you're struggling - includes financial support, food and utility bills
Support and advice for people involved in the Ukraine conflict
Our climate policy and what we're doing to tackle climate change
Schools, including admissions and transport, Adult Learning and home education
Includes recycling centres, flood and water management, land use and ecology
How the Council operates, including our policies, campaigns and Councillor information
Report a highways problem, information on improvement works, public transport and other ways to travel
Norfolk libraries, including online resources, historical records and collections
Includes family support, childcare and early learning, safety and the SEND Local Offer
Health and wellbeing, including adult social care and support, coronavirus and Blue Badges
Marriages and civil partnerships, copy certificates and other registration services
Current vacancies, training and apprenticeship opportunities and information about volunteering
Making the most of Norfolk's outdoors, including trails and public rights of way
Includes tendering contracts with the Council, licencing, grants and Trading Standards
Advice on keeping safe, including emergency disruptions and Fire Service information
News highlights
More than £600m of investment to create jobs, homes and infrastructure has been scrapped, after the Government halted Norfolk's devolution deal.
Senior council leaders and delivery partners visited the site at Long Stratton last week to view progress on construction of the new road first-hand.
Recent road safety figures show that 42% of all driver related traffic incidents in Norfolk are caused by some form of driver distraction and a loss of concentration at the wheel.
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