Accessible information, translation and interpretation
Our customers can get our information translated or interpreted. For example, if you need our information in a different format or language.
We provide interpreting and translation services through INTRAN, using professional, qualified interpreters. Wherever you go in Norfolk look out for the INTRAN logo - it means you can access interpretation or translation. Find out more about INTRAN.
You can communicate with us using these services:
- British Sign Language (BSL)
- text relay
- telephone interpreting
- face-to-face interpreting
Read more about text relay on the Ofcom website.
Different languages and British Sign Language (BSL)
We can provide free interpreters if you need help to access our services or to communicate with us. Just tell the service you need an interpreter or contact us by text relay on 18001 0344 800 8020.
You can also speak in your own language when you call the Council. Tell us what your language is and we will put you on hold while we get an interpreter to join the call.
The main languages spoken in Norfolk apart from English include:
- Lithuanian
- Polish
- Arabic
- Portuguese
- Russian
- Romanian
There are over 75 languages spoken in Norfolk, and we can use interpreters for any of these.
Documents in different formats or languages
We will consider providing versions of our documents and leaflets in other languages, large print, Easy Read, Braille and audiotape if you ask for them.
We may provide you with extracts of the documents or speak to you through an interpreter, if that is more appropriate.
You can ask any of our services for translations of their documents or call us on 0344 800 8020. There may be a delay in providing the format you need as we use an external translation service.
We provide interpreting and translation services through INTRAN, using professional, qualified interpreters. Wherever you go in Norfolk look out for the INTRAN logo - it means you can access interpretation or translation. Find out more about INTRAN.