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About Transport for King's Lynn

King's Lynn Transport Strategy

Transport study work was carried out for King's Lynn during 2018 and 2019 by the Borough and County Councils. This included extensive data collection, traffic model building, option testing and appraisal and included stakeholder engagement.

After stakeholder consultation a draft King's Lynn transport strategy report was prepared including an implementation plan of transport schemes addressing the priorities and objectives.

The King's Lynn transport strategy was agreed and adopted by Norfolk County Council Cabinet in February 2020 and was also adopted by the Borough Council's Cabinet in the same month.

Cabinet also agreed to set up a West Norfolk transport and infrastructure steering group comprising senior members and officers of both councils. This new group will oversee the delivery of the strategy, taking account of environmental policies and any implications of the current coronavirus crisis, and is in the process of being set up.

The implementation plan measures will address issues on the transport network such as congestion and accessibility and should also help to make King's Lynn more attractive to economic investment and assist existing and new businesses within the town. They also take account of the planned growth set out in the local plan to ensure the town can grow sustainably.

In addition, the measures will also address the local issue of poor air quality and will protect the historic areas of the town important for their ability to attract visitors in the context of the changing nature of town centres and high streets.

The county council commissioned WSP to examine the case for a rail link between King's Lynn and Hunstanton. A new rail link would improve access between the towns and improve people's access to jobs and training opportunities.

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