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Enforcement locations

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NamePostcodeDescriptionOperating HoursAuthorised vehicles
Albion WayNR1 1WSOperates in both directionsAt any timeBuses, cycles, taxis, private hire, emergency vehicles on emergency business and statutory works vehicles
Earlham Green Lane (Clover Hill Road Bowthorpe/West Earlham)NR5 8REOperates in both directionsAt any timeBuses, cycles, taxis, private hire and emergency vehicles on emergency business
Grove Road (junction with Brazengate)NR1 3QYOperates in city bound direction only7.30am to 9.30am Monday to Fridays inclusiveBuses, cycles, taxis, private hire, emergency vehicles on emergency business and statutory works vehicles
Humbleyard (Clover Hill Bowthorpe)NR5 9BNOperates in both directionsAt any timeBuses, cycles, taxis, private hire, emergency vehicles on emergency business and statutory works vehicles
Rampant Horse StreetNR1 3RZOperates in both directionsAt any timeBuses, cycles, taxis, private hire, emergency vehicles on emergency business and statutory works vehicles
St Stephens StreetNR1 3SHOperates on city bound part of St Stephens Street onlyAt any timeBuses, cycles, taxis, private hire, emergency vehicles on emergency business, statutory works vehicles and goods vehicles




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