Early Childhood and Family Service (ECFS) activities

ECFS stay and plays
Free stay and play sessions for children aged 0 to 5 years, to attend with their parents or carers. Stay and plays give parents and children the opportunity to play and learn together and meet new people, every week, all year round. Sessions are accessible and inclusive to all families.
View the full stay and play locations and times.
Information sessions for parents
We offer a series of online information sessions for parents in Norfolk on a range of topics such as baby brain development, behaviour, oral health and many more. You can see which sessions we have coming up and book your place by visiting ecfsnorfolk.eventbrite.com.
Baby brain development
Have you ever wondered what your baby's experience of the world is like inside the first few months of their life? Find out in our baby brain development session along with how you can best help them learn and develop during their first year.
Toddler tears, tantrums and expected behaviour
An interactive information and question and answer (Q&A) session for anyone who spends time with under 5's. Find out: What is normal behaviour for your toddler? The reasons why toddlers behave in certain ways, and how you and your family can manage big feelings and challenging behaviour from little people. Delivered in partnership with children and young people's health services.
Healthy teeth
An informative and interactive session for parents and carers. Find out how to: Keep tiny teeth healthy, brush teeth effectively, choose the right foods and drinks from weaning age upwards, and how to access a dentist with your little one. Delivered in partnership with Community Dental Services.
Car seat safety
An informative session for parents and carers, delivered in partnership with the Norfolk County Council road safety team. Find out how to ensure your child's car seat fits them and your vehicle correctly along with many other helpful tips for keeping your children safe when travelling.
Getting Ready for The Potty
An interactive and informative Q&A session for parents and carers who are thinking about beginning, or are in the early stages of, toilet training. Find out useful tips for successful toilet training and take the opportunity to ask any questions you might have for professionals.
Social media
For lots of helpful parenting tips and ideas and the most up-to-date information about the ECFS groups and support, follow us on:
Community groups
For more information about the groups available in your community visit the Norfolk Community Directory.