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Master composters

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The Norfolk Master Composters programme aims to raise awareness of the benefits of composting, through a network of volunteer advisors. The programme operates as a partnership between Garden Organic and Norfolk County Council.

Since 2006, 354 trained volunteers have spent over 14,600 hours promoting home composting in the county.

Who are Master Composters?

Master Composters are volunteers who encourage people in their local community to start composting at home, and offer support to people who are already home composting and may be having difficulties or need encouragement.

There are Master Composters of every age group and they come from a wide variety of backgrounds. This contributes to the effectiveness of the scheme - Master Composters can reach parts of communities that other compost promoting activities cannot.


What do Master Composters do?

Master Composters promote composting in a variety of ways.  This could include giving a demonstration to a next-door neighbour or friend, giving a presentation at a local school, giving a talk to a local community group, writing articles for the local paper, parish magazine or newsletter, attending an event with a display or helping establish a community/village composting scheme.


How can I become a Master Composter?

Anyone over the age of 18 can become a Master Composter; you don't need to be a composter already or have any volunteer or community group experience.

As a volunteer you will receive free training in home composting and related environmental issues provided by Garden Organic (formerly HDRA). Training expenses for any volunteering activities will be reimbursed.

All trainees get a Master Composter resource pack and a visit to a composting site as part of the course. Once the training has been completed, you will be expected to spend 30 hours over the following year promoting home composting as a volunteer (ie not as part of a paid position).

Becoming a Master Composter is a great way to meet new people, learn valuable skills, and benefit from being part of a team that makes a difference.

You can view more more details and apply to join the scheme at Norfolk Master Composters.


How can I contact Norfolk Master Composters?

If you would like some advice from your local Master Composter or you would like somebody to speak to your group or attend your event email or call us on 0344 800 8020.


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