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Information for day service providers

Though it is recognised that the UK has removed enforced restrictions in place at the height of the pandemic, this does not mean that infections and serious health complications are no longer occurring.

To ensure staff and individuals attending your service are kept safe, Norfolk County Council advises providers to ensure risk assessments and the latest government guidance are reviewed and updated where necessary. Should changes occur, it is advised to communicate with individuals, families and carers who may be experiencing anxiety regarding the impact of COVID-19.

Further advice can be found on the links below:

What to do if someone tests positive for COVID-19

The Outbreak Management Centre closed on 15 July 2022. There is no further need to relay information relating to single positive cases unless this is regarding exceptional payments. It is advised to monitor the situation, and should your day service experiences two or more positive cases occur within 14 days and you believe these are linked, you must communicate this to:

Should you be advised to close by East of England Health Protection Team or are advised actions which subsequently impact upon delivery to individuals, please contact Day Service Resource with details.

Day Service Provider Communications

If you believe you have missed a communication or have any questions regarding a communication. Please send your enquiry to

Webinars, and other care market events can be found at the bottom of our Norfolk Car Market page. If for any reason you are not receiving invitations to Day Service webinars, do get in touch via Day Service Resource.

Other useful links

Signposting to support for unpaid carers

Day services staff might be asked by the unpaid carers of your day service users, where they can find support during coronavirus. Find out more online.

Norfolk Community Directory

A free advertising space for services. All day services should review their information to ensure Norfolk residents and professionals have access to the right information. Add your service to the Norfolk Community Directory.  (opens new window)

Norfolk Care Careers

A great place to advertise your staff vacancies for free, get involved in Norfolk Care Careers. (opens new window)

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