Links for SEND local offer homepage and promos

Norfolk SEND survey 2025

The SEND survey is open until Sunday 23 February 2025. We really need your views on SEND services and support
'You Said, We Did' SEND in Norfolk 2023-4

'You Said, We Did' - find out what we've done in response to your feedback in the SEND survey 2023
SEND Local Offer

This website is for anyone in the life of a child or young person aged 0-25 who has a special educational need and/or disability (SEND) in Norfolk.
Webpages in the SEND Local Offer section

Advice and support
Advice, guidance and support for parent carers

SEND education and learning
SEN support in education for children and young people with SEND

Health and social care
Health care and social care services for children and young people

Preparing for adult life
Guidance for parent carers and your young people as they move towards adult life

About the SEND Local Offer
Who we are and what we do - SEND policies and strategies, how we plan, commission and deliver services for children and young people with SEND

Guidance for education professionals
Visit our sister website for SEND guidance for education providers in Norfolk

Norfolk SEND newsletters
Sign up for news and updates about SEND in Norfolk
SEND news (Go to Norfolk SEND newsletters)