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Frequently asked questions

Young people with education, health and care plans

My child is continuing at the same SEN school for year 12. Do I need to make an application and pay, even though they may be on the same transport as they were in year 11?

You do not need to make an application, but you will need to pay a parental contribution as all post-16 transport requires a financial contribution. We work closely with the SEN schools to find out who is staying on and then write to all parents and carers with details of the required payment. With returning students TITAN may also be in contact to offer travel training, if this is appropriate. If you have any issues around travel training email

I feel my child would benefit from independent travel training. How can I find out more details?

Visit the TITAN website or access for further information.


My child has an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP), will they be entitled to transport to the establishment named in their current plan?

Not necessarily. We will not provide transport if an establishment is named in a plan as one of parental preference. We will provide transport if an establishment is named by the Local Authority as the nearest one that can meet the young person's needs and you live beyond the qualifying walking distance from the school.


If my child has an EHCP and they are attending their closest college will we receive travel support?

If they are attending an establishment within your core route area, then providing you live at least 3 miles away you should receive travel support. For further information please see Who is eligible for post 16 travel scheme and Travel options for college or sixth form.