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Neighbourhood planning advice


We are the local highway authority. You should consult us on the highway and transport implications of a neighbourhood plan.

Where a plan looks to allocate sites, you must provide enough evidence to show the highway and transport impacts of the plan have been properly considered.

This is particularly important where the plan allocates sites for development. Sites proposed for allocation will need supportive evidence that:

  • It's possible to form a safe access
  • The local highway network, including pedestrian provision, is of a suitable standard for safe, sustainable development

Your evidence should include the adequacy and layout of junctions, road widths and footways, or show that suitable improvements are achievable. You may need to engage technical specialists to provide this evidence.

Our publication Safe, Sustainable Development (PDF) [20MB] sets out the requirements. Local Plans and Parking Standards for Norfolk 2007 (PDF) [486KB] have more information on parking requirements.

We can provide advice on the information you're likely to need, but we cannot do this work as part of our response to the plan-making process. For further advice contact the transport strategy team at

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