Leader of the Council and Cabinet
Norfolk County Council has a leader and cabinet decision-making system.
The Leader of the Council is Cllr Kay Mason Billig (Conservative). She was appointed as Leader of the Council at the AGM held on 7 May 2024. The Deputy Leader is Cllr Andrew Jamieson (Conservative). He was appointed as Deputy Leader of the Council at the AGM held on 7 May 2024.
Cabinet is responsible for making decisions about most council services. Cabinet is made up of ten councillors, each with responsibility for a portfolio of services. Decisions can be taken by individual Cabinet Members or collectively by the full Cabinet. Cabinet Meetings are chaired by the Leader of the Council who is also responsible for selecting the Cabinet Members. There are four Deputy Cabinet Members.
Committee details, including meeting dates, members, agendas and minutes
Cabinet Members and responsibilities
Strategy and governance

The Cabinet Member is Cllr Kay Mason Billig, Leader of the Council.
Key areas of responsibility:
- Overall vision and strategic direction
- Business continuity
- Communications
- Corporate health and safety and employee wellbeing
- Governance - democratic services and nplaw
- HR and organisational development
- Information governance
- Intelligence and analytics
- MP, district and borough partnerships
- National, regional and strategic partnerships

The Cabinet Member is Cllr Andrew Jamieson, Deputy Leader of the Council.
Deputy Cabinet Member is Cllr Greg Peck.
Key areas of responsibility:
- Budget planning
- Finance monitoring
- Internal control/audit
- Medium term financial strategy
- Procurement and contract management
Public Health and wellbeing

The Cabinet Member is Cllr Fran Whymark.
Key areas of responsibility:
- Health and Wellbeing Board
- Integrated Care Partnership for Norfolk and Waveney
- Public Health
- Road safety
- Health and social care integration
Adult social care

The Cabinet Member is Cllr Alison Thomas.
Deputy Cabinet Member is Cllr Shelagh Gurney.
Key areas of responsibility:
- Commissioning residential care
- Mental health
- Safeguarding for vulnerable and elderly adults
- Learning disabilities
- Support for carers
Children's Services

The Cabinet Member is Cllr Penny Carpenter.
Deputy Cabinet Member - vacancy
Key areas of responsibility
- Capital programme delivery
- Children with disabilities
- Looked After Children and Young People
- Prevent agenda
- Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) including transport
- School improvement
- School admissions
- Youth offending
Communities and partnerships

The Cabinet Member is Cllr Margaret Dewsbury.
Key areas of responsibility:
- Active Norfolk
- Adult Learning
- Armed Forces Covenant
- Arts and culture
- Community Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI)
- Community safety
- Customer Services
- Library and Information Service
- Norfolk Fire and Rescue Service
- Norfolk Museums Service
- Trading Standards
- Towns and Parishes
- Voluntary and community sector
Corporate services and innovation

The Cabinet Member is Cllr Jane James.
Key areas of responsibility:
- Capital development programme (excluding highways and schools)
- County farms estate
- Gypsy and Roma travellers service - site management
- Hethel Innovation Limited
- Property and asset management
- Repton Limited - the Council's development company
- Scottow Enterprise Park
- Better Broadband for Norfolk
- Customer systems and experience
- Digital, Business and Insights Programme
- Digital experience (website)
- Digital Norfolk 5G rollout
- Innovation
- Performance reporting
- Community resilience
Economic growth

The Cabinet Member is Cllr Fabian Eagle.
Key areas of responsibility:
- Business relationships (eg LEP)
- International projects
- Inward investment
- Oversight of Norfolk Infrastructure and Norfolk Development Company
- Promoting economic growth and enterprise
- Promoting the rural economy
- Removing barriers to growth
- Skills and apprenticeships
- Strategic growth
- Tourism support
- Unemployment issues
Environment and waste

The Cabinet Member is Cllr James Bensly.
Deputy Cabinet Member is Cllr Chris Dawson.
Key areas of responsibility:
- Archaeology, heritage and landscape
- Coast and countryside access
- Environmental policy
- Climate change mitigation and adaptation
- Ecology and arboriculture
- Flood and water management
- Minerals and waste planning
- Net Zero
- Waste management and recycling, including recycling centres
Highways, infrastructure and transport

The Cabinet Member is Cllr Graham Plant.
Deputy Cabinet Member is Cllr Chris Dawson.
Key areas of responsibility:
- Development strategy and management
- Highways and operational delivery including procurement
- Highways and transport infrastructure delivery
- Highways maintenance and improvements - including potholes
- Highways network, including roads, street lights, bridges etc
- Parking
- Passenger transport
- Transport strategy
- Winter maintenance (gritting)
Committee updates
Sign up for email updates from Cabinet and other committees.
Download Cabinet notices and decisions
Cabinet key decisions mostly relate to expenditure, savings, or other decisions which might have a significant impact on communities. The Council is required to publish details of any key decisions to be considered by the Cabinet 28 days before the meeting. This list is known as the Cabinet forward plan (PDF, 261 KB).