About our budget
The budget sets out how much money we can spend on achieving our objectives within each service.
Our budget has two elements:
- A revenue budget which includes spending on the day-to-day running of services, for example salaries, contracts for services and running expenses of buildings
- A capital programme which includes expenditure on items that will be used by Norfolk County Council for more than one year: for example, land, buildings, vehicles and computers
The revenue budget and capital programme are supported by the annual treasury management strategy.
Revenue budget
Here are some key facts:
- Our gross revenue budget for this year (2024-25) is £1.964bn
- Between 2010-11 and 2019-20 our grant from the government was cut by £220m
- The County Council approved an increase in council tax of 4.99% for 2024-25, including 2% for adult social care. Previously, the County Council froze its element of council tax for five years between 2011-12 and 2015-16. In 2016-17 council tax was increased by 3.99%, including 2% for adult social care. In 2017-18 council tax was increased by 4.8%, including 3% for adult social care. In 2018-19 council tax was increased by 5.99%, including 3% for adult social care. In 2019-20 council tax was increased by 2.99%. In 2020-21 council tax was increased by 3.99% including 2% for adult social care. In 2021-22 council tax was increased by 3.99% including 2% for adult social care. In 2022-23 council tax was increased by 2.99% including 1% for adult social care. In 2023-24 council tax was increased by 4.99% including 2% for adult social care
- Council tax accounts for 27% of Norfolk County Council funding and will raise £528m in 2024-25
- Between 2011-12 and 2024-25 we have budgeted to achieve £606m savings
- Over the same period the Council has had to absorb additional costs of £938m
Capital programme
A capital programme for 2023-28 of £1.135bn including major programmes and schemes like:
- SEND transformation programme to create 500 extra specialist school places
- Great Yarmouth Third River Crossing
- West Winch Bypass
- Long Stratton Bypass
- Living Well - Homes for Norfolk: to develop extra care housing in Norfolk
- Norwich Western Link
- Estates Decarbonisation Programme
- Better Broadband for Norfolk
Download the 2024-28 Budget Book (PDF, 1 MB).
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