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Department for Transport challenge fund

The local highways maintenance challenge fund enables local highway authorities in England to bid for major maintenance projects that are otherwise difficult to fund through the usual formula funding allocations they receive from government.

Bidding rounds have been:

  • Tranche 1 2015-16-17-18 Norfolk was successful in receiving a grant of £9.123m for Greater Norwich Area Surface Water Drainage scheme. There was a matched local contribution of £1.2m. The total cost being £10.323m. Works were delivered over a 3-year to time and budget
  • Tranche 2a 2017-18 Norfolk was unsuccessful
  • Tranche 2b 2019-20 Norfolk was successful in receiving a grant of £2.818m for road resurfacing at two sites (1) A1122 Marham (2) A1066 Brettenham to Riddlesworth
  • Tranche 3 2020-21 Norfolk has submitted a bid to repair 6 critical bridges and are awaiting the outcome

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