EU Settlement Scheme
Are you an EU, EEA or Swiss citizen?
You and your family might be able to apply to the EU Settlement Scheme to continue living in the UK. The deadline for applying for most people was 30 June 2021. However you can still apply if that deadline did not apply to you, or you have 'reasonable grounds' for not applying by the deadline.
Applying is essential to protect your rights to work, rent, access benefits and free healthcare, and to protect your children's right to access higher education.
All family members must apply, including children and babies. This also includes non-European partners and family as they are entitled to apply for pre-settled or settled status along with you.
Apply to the EU Settlement Scheme
Need advice?
If you are worried or have questions about applying, local support services can help you:
- Gyros
- Access
- Norfolk Citizens Advice
- Norfolk Community Law Service
- Citizens Advice, Diss, Thetford and District
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