Norfolk Trading Standards policies
Trading Standards' core function is to build a safe, fair and legal marketplace for Norfolk, helping businesses to succeed and safeguarding communities.
In carrying out our regulatory activities we look carefully at what the law is trying to achieve and ensure we apply the law appropriately and proportionately to meet important outcomes for both people and business.
Details of our current policies and priorities are available below.
Trading Standards Service Plan with annexes:
- Trading Standards Service Plan 2023-24 (PDF) [177KB]
- Annex 1: Enforcement of Age Restricted Sales and Illegal Tobacco Products Plan 2023-24 (PDF) [309KB]
- Annex 2: Food & Feed Law Enforcement Plan 2023-24 (PDF) [441KB]
- Annex 3: Delivery of Animal Health & Welfare Framework 2023-24 (PDF) [206KB]
Policies and standards:
- Business Services Policy (PDF) [169KB]
- Business Service Standards (PDF) [177KB]
- CES Compliance and Enforcement Policy (PDF) [398KB]
- Consumer Services Policy (PDF) [387KB]
- Energy Performance of Local Authority Buildings Policy (PDF) [290KB]
Our services will be delivered in accordance with the requirements of the Regulators' Code.