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Client Hardship Service policy


The purpose of the Client Hardship Service (CHS) is to offer support to people with money management, budgeting and essential household items if they are resettling or need support to remain in the community.

CHS is administered by Norfolk County Council's Client Services.

We're looking to help people to improve their financial well-being and/or need to set up home in an unfurnished or partially furnished new property.

We aim to treat all applicants fairly and equitably with full consideration given to their circumstances.

We'll also signpost alternative avenues of support or funding, to support applicants with their financial health.

Consideration is given to the nature, extent and urgency of the need in every case where a request for support is made.

A full Equalities Impact Assessment (EIA) has taken place in accordance with equalities legislation, to ensure the scheme does not negatively impact upon groups with protected characteristics.

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