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Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIPs)

NSIPs are large scale developments which are determined by Government under the Planning Act 2008. They generally fall under the following categories of Transport, Energy, Water, Waste and Waste Water. Other major projects, including data centres; giga-factories; and laboratories are types of business or commercial development capable (on request) of being directed into the Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects consenting regime.

Norfolk County Council (NCC) is a statutory consultee as host authority in respect of a number of NSIPs and therefore has an important role to play in the various planning stages which such projects go through.

For further information about NSIPs, including the process and projects please visit the Planning Inspectorate website.

The following projects in Norfolk are currently:

  • In the planning process
  • Have been consented and are now under construction, or
  • Have been consented but not yet started

Offshore projects

Hornsea Three

Hornsea Three is an offshore wind farm being delivered by Orsted that could power over two million UK homes. Up to 231 offshore wind turbines will be located approximately 121km off the Norfolk coast, and will generate 2.4 GW of electricity. The power will make landfall at Weybourne and make grid connection at Norwich Main. The Project is currently under construction and is expected to be operational towards the end of 2027.

For more information about Hornsea Three, visit the Orsted website.

Norfolk Vanguard

The Norfolk Vanguard wind farm will be located approximately 47km off the Norfolk coast. It is expected to provide enough electricity to power 1.7 million UK homes per year. Landfall will be in Happisburgh, and will make grid connection at Necton. The project was being delivered by Vattenfall but is now being taken forward by RWE, along with the Norfolk Boreas project. The Project is currently under construction and is expected to be operational by the middle of 2028.

For more information about Norfolk Vanguard, visit the RWE website.

Norfolk Boreas

A sister project to the Norfolk Vanguard wind farm, it will also be delivered by RWE. It will provide enough electricity to power around 1 million UK homes. As with the Norfolk Vanguard project, landfall will be in Happisburgh, and the national grid connection will be made at Necton. Under construction and expected to be operational mid 2030.

For more information about Norfolk Boreas, visit the RWE website.

Extension to Sheringham Shoal and Dudgeon wind farms

There will be a significant expansion of the existing Dudgeon and Sheringham wind farms. The project will result in an additional 719 MW total. Landfall for both will take place at  Weybourne  and both will connect to the Norwich Main substation. The Secretary of State granted development consent on 17 April 2024. Delays in the consenting process means that onshore work are not expected until 2026.

For more information about the extension of the Sheringham and Dudgeon wind farms, visit the Planning Inspectorate website.

Onshore projects

A47 Blofield to North Burlingham dualling scheme

An upgrade to the A47 between Blofield and North Burlingham comprising a dual carriageway of 2.6km to ease congestion. The Secretary of State approved the Development Consent Order (DCO) on 12 August 2022. Scheme is now under-construction. Completion 2026/27.

For more information about the Blofield to North Burlingham dualling, visit the National Highways website.

A47/A11 Thickthorn junction improvement

Improving the junction with the addition of two new link roads to help ease congestion. The Secretary of State's approved DCO on 14 October 2022. Construction works have not yet started.

For more information about the Thickthorn junction improvement, visit the National Highways website.

A47 North Tuddenham to Easton dualling scheme

Upgrading the A47 between North Tuddenham to Easton, completing the dual carriageway between Norwich and Dereham. The Secretary of State approved the Development Consent Order (DCO) on 12 August 2022. Scheme is now under-construction and completion is expected in 2027.

For more information about the North Tuddenham to Easton dualling, visit the National Highways website.

The Medworth project - Waste to energy

A new power plant to generate electricity and steam at Algores Way, Wisbech. The proposed waste to energy plant will divert over half a million tonnes of non-recyclable waste from landfill. It is expected to generate over 50 MW of energy, enough to power 74,000 homes. The grid connection will be established at the Walpole substation. The Secretary of State granted Development Consent on 20 February 2024.

For more information about the Medworth project, visit the Planning Inspectorate website.

Fens Reservoir Project

The reservoir project is being taken forward by Anglian Water, who have identified a site to the North of Chatteris in Cambridgeshire. It is understood that there is likely to be supporting water transfer infrastructure needed in Norfolk. A second round non-statutory consultation on the project and its supporting infrastructure went live on 30 May and closed on 9 August 2024. The formal statutory consultation (Preliminary Environmental Information Report, under Section 42 of the Planning Act) is expected Spring/Summer 2025.

For more information about the Fens Reservoir Project, visit the Anglian Water website.

Droves Solar Farm

The project is at an early stage in the process. The project developer, Island Green Power, is proposing a large-scale solar farm development (1,100 ha), with associated infrastructure including a substation, converter station and a battery storage facility. The solar farm will be capable of supplying around 115,000 homes with electricity and will be situated on a single site north of Swaffham. The formal statutory consultation (Preliminary Environmental Information Report, under Section 42 of the Planning Act) is expected May 2025.

For more information about the Droves Solar Project, visit the Island Green Power website.

East Pye Solar Farm

The project is at an early stage in the process. The project developer, Island Green Power, is proposing a large-scale solar farm development (1,100 ha), with associated infrastructure including up to 2 substations, a number of converter stations and a battery storage facility. The solar farm will be capable of supplying around 115,000 homes with electricity and will be situated on a number of sites around the Hempnall and Long Stratton area in South Norfolk. 

The non-statutory consultation went live on 23 October and closed on 6 December 2024.  The formal statutory consultation (Preliminary Environmental Information Report, under Section 42 of the Planning Act) is expected Summer 2025.

The County Council responded with comments to the non-statutory consultation (PDF, 275 KB)

For more information about the East Pye Solar Project, visit the Island Green Power website.

High Grove Solar Farm

The project is at an early stage in the process. The project developer RWE is proposing a large-scale solar farm development, with associated infrastructure including a new 400kV substation, three new convertor stations and a battery storage facility. The solar farm will be capable of supplying around 360,000 homes with electricity and will be situated on a number of sites around Narborough, Swaffham, Dereham and Ashill. The formal statutory consultation on this project is expected in March 2025.

For more information about the High Grove Solar Project, visit the RWE website.

The Great Grid Upgrade

National Grid are looking to upgrade the electricity grid to deliver the UK Government's plan to boost homegrown power. It will help the UK switch to clean energy and make sure our electricity network is fit for the future; carrying more clean, secure energy from where it's generated to where it is needed.

For more information about the Great Grid Upgrade, visit the National Grid website.

The Norwich to Tilbury, Grimsby to Walpole, and Eastern Green Links 3&4, form part of the Great Grid Upgrade.

Norwich to Tilbury - National Grid Upgrade

The Project proposes to reinforce the high voltage (400 kV) electricity transmission network between Norwich Main down to Tilbury in Essex (184 km). The Project will involve new overhead power lines (400kV) as well as new substations at Norwich Main, Bramford (Suffolk), and Tilbury (Essex).

National Grid consulted on their Preliminary Environmental Information Report (Under Section 42 of the Planning Act) on this project. The statutory consultation went live on 10 April 2024 and closed on 26 July 2024. The County Council responded to the consultation with comments which were taken through the Planning and Highways Delegations Committee.  

For more information about the Norwich to Tilbury project, including public consultation documents, visit the National Grid website.

Grimsby to Walpole - National Grid Upgrade

This project is at an early stage in the planning process. Most of the proposed development pylon work (400 kV lines) will lie outside Norfolk, however, it is understood that there will be a need for a new Electricity Substation in the Walpole area. The project underwent its non-statutory consultation on 18 January 2024 for an 8-week period. The formal statutory consultation (Preliminary Environmental Information Report, under Section 42 of the Planning Act) is expected Summer 2025.

For more information about the Grimsby to Walpole project, visit the National Grid website.

Eastern Green Links 3&4 - National Grid Upgrade

This project is at an early stage in the process. Similar to the Grimsby to Walpole project, most of the proposed development lies outside Norfolk, however it will require two new converter stations in the Walpole area. The non-statutory consultation went live on 23 April and closed on 15 July 2024. The formal statutory consultation (Preliminary Environmental Information Report, under Section 42 of the Planning Act) is expected May 2025.

For more information about the Eastern Green Links 3 and 4, visit the National Grid website.

Local Highway Authority Input into the NSIP Process

The County Council is a statutory consultee on all NSIP proposals, where Norfolk is Host Authority. We will respond on a wide range of matters including as:

  • Highways Authority
  • Lead Local Flood Authority,
  • Minerals and Waste Planning Authority.

We also respond on public health matters, environmental considerations as well as on the wider socio-economic implications of a proposed project.

The NSIP Highways Aims and Guidance Document (PDF, 213 KB) shows what we, as the Highways Authority, considers is necessary to support any NSIP scheme in order to ensure highway safety is maintained at all time.

This covers, for example, the need for Transport Assessments at the application stage, through to more detailed Construction Traffic Management Plans being required through the implementation of the Development Consent Order (DCO). The County Council as Highway Authority will typically be a consultee on the discharge of any planning requirement (with a highway implication) set out in a DCO. The Aims and Guidance document provides advice to both potential applicants of NSIP scale development and to the other host authorities in Norfolk.

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