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Active Norfolk privacy notice

This page provides information on how, we, Active Norfolk, supported and hosted by Norfolk County Council, uses your personal information for the purposes of promoting and increasing participation in sport and physical activity, and supporting the strategic development of physical activity in Norfolk.

By 'use' we mean the various ways your personal information may be processed including storing and sharing the information.

By 'you' we mean you as a person and/or your child if you are reviewing this document on their behalf.

If you have provided consent for us to use your information, this can be removed at any time. For newsletters and emails, you can withdraw consent by selecting the unsubscribe link in any email you have received from us. For images and videos, you can withdraw consent by emailing

Further details

We also provide further details details in our general privacy notice on our website:

  • Who we are
  • How long we use your information for
  • Your rights under the UK General Data Protection Regulations (UK GDPR) and
  • How to exercise them 

You can also ask us for a copy of this information.

What we use your personal information for

We may use the information about you for:

  • Administering projects and programmes
  • Promoting or administering activity and sports opportunities to adults and young people
  • Providing physical activity and other developmental training courses and workshops for adults
  • Supporting employers and employees with workplace physical activity
  • Supporting coach development through training and bursaries
  • Administering the Norfolk School Games Level 3 Competitions
  • Gathering insight to support the strategic development of physical activity opportunities
  • Evaluating the impact of projects and programmes
  • Providing newsletters and mailing lists
  • To process and administer grant funding applications
  • To create marketing materials (images and videos)

We may also use this information to assess the quality of our services and evaluate and improve our policies and procedures.

We may also use information in other ways compatible with the above. Primarily this will include supporting the work of other public bodies providing services to you through insight and programme evaluation.

The information we collect and use

The information we may collect and use may include your:

  • Personal details including name, date of birth, gender, age, address, school, work;
  • Contact information such as address, telephone number and email address;
  • Details about your family, including name and contact details of person to be contacted in case of emergency;
  • Photographs and videos taken at events and activities (with consent);
  • Financial details (where relevant for for grant funding or payments); and
  • Qualifications

We also collect and use information about:

  • your racial and ethnic origin;
  • religious or philosophical beliefs;
  • your health including any disabilities, your fitness level and/or any medical conditions you may have;
  • sexual orientation (if you choose to provide in any survey response);
  • political opinions (if you choose to provide in any survey response); and
  • information about criminal offences (if you choose to provide in any survey response)

The UK GDPR includes safeguards to protect the use of your special category data. Further details can be found on our website in the document named 'Special category data and criminal offences data policy' which sets out our procedures for compliance with the principles of the UK GDPR and the retention and erasure of this information.

Who provides this information

The information we hold includes information you have provided to us. We may also receive information from:

  • Other Norfolk County Council departments
  • Activity providers who administer our funded programmes
  • Partnered organisations or charities (such as Schools or Activity Providers)

Who we share your information with

We may also share your personal information with other organisations and public bodies, in particular:

  • Funding bodies (e.g. Sport England, Clinical Commissioning Groups, etc.)
  • Sports clubs or groups, charities, voluntary organisations and partners who we may work with or commission to provide physical activity opportunities.
  • Public (images and videos may also be made public. This will be explained to you in detail when you decide whether to provide consent for this)
  • Central Government Agencies, such as Department for Education (funding application details)
  • Individual stories may be publicly shared if you choose to provide one. This will be discussed with you in more detail if you consider providing a personal journey story.
  • Your School (where we provide an event at your school)
  • Evaluation partners (the UEA)
  • Our software providers (DotDigital who provide our digital newsletters if you sign up for them. To find out more about how DotDigital use your information please see their privacy notice.)

Any information which is shared will only be shared on a need-to-know basis, with appropriate individuals. Only the minimum information for the purpose will be shared.

We may also share your information, subject to contractual and other legal safeguards, with organisations contracted by Norfolk County Council to provide a service to the council or directly to you. These service providers are known as data processors and have a legal obligation under UK GDPR and to Norfolk County Council to look after your personal information and only use it for providing that service

How the law protects you and the legal basis for processing your information

We have legal grounds to process this information because:

  • it is necessary to comply with a legal duty or fulfil a public task. This includes under the: o Equalities Act 2010 (reasonable adjustments, equal opportunities etc)
  • where it is necessary for the performance of a contract (e.g. lease, licence, service and maintenance contract).

We may seek consent to use your information in certain ways (newsletters and images or videos). If you have provided consent for us to use your information, this can be removed at any time. For newsletters and emails, you can withdraw consent by selecting the unsubscribe link in any email you have received from us. For images and videos, you can withdraw consent by emailing

We have legal grounds to process special category data where

  • it is necessary for reasons in the substantial public interest. This will include where it is necessary to carry out any of our statutory functions or as stipulated by funding providers for reporting purposes. The statutory functions are as set out above
  • we have obtained your explicit consent (details about how to withdraw consent are above).

How long we keep your information for

The information is retained in accordance with our Retention Policy. In particular, videos and images are retained for a period of:

  • Images and Videos of young people - 2 years
  • Images and Videos of adults  (Over 18) - 5 years

When the information is no longer needed for the above purposes, it will be securely deleted.

If we need to use your information for research or reports, your information will be anonymised and any information taken from notes (handwritten or typed) during any consultation sessions will be securely destroyed. The information will continue to be used in a summarised and anonymised form in any research reports or papers that are published. The anonymised information in the papers may be of historic interest and may be held in public archives indefinitely.

How we keep your information

The information is stored electronically, on our records management systems. Information is also securely stored in other mediums, including email accounts and in paper files. We do not process your information outside of the UK and European Economic Area.

Automated decision making

We do not make automated decisions about you.

Changes to this notice

We may amend this privacy notice at any time so please review it frequently. The date below will be amended each time this notice is updated.

This notice was updated in July 2023

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