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Household Support Fund

The Household Support Fund - Round 6 - is funded by the Department for Work and Pensions and follows on from the £6.7m Norfolk received from the Government in April. Further government help can also be found on the Government's Cost of Living Hub (opens new window).

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The Household Support Fund is money given to Norfolk by the Government to help people who are struggling with everyday costs. You cannot apply directly to the Household Support Fund, but you can apply to the support schemes it funds.

Get help with living costs

About the Household Support Fund

The Household Support Fund is £6.7m the Government has given Norfolk to support residents who are struggling with the cost of living. This includes support for single households, families with or without children, older people and disabled people. This funding runs from October 2024 to March 2025.

Our scheme will:

  • Give families flexibility and choice in our support by providing a monthly cost of living voucher for families eligible for free school meals. Running from October to March, this will support families to budget and give them choice, helping them to plan for birthdays and holidays, or offset against other bills
  • Provide funding to the Norfolk Assistance Scheme, delivered directly by the County Council, the scheme includes financial support for emergency energy needs, provision of household items through charitable organisations as well as support with money management, budgeting and benefits entitlement
  • Give funding to partners who provide accredited advice to provide advice and cost of living payments to those most affected by the introduction of means testing for the winter fuel payment
  • Provide funding to District Councils to identify and support vulnerable households who are struggling with the cost of living
  • Enable the Council's community spaces (libraries and museums) to be safe warm spaces during the colder months, providing free hot drinks, some essential suppliers and access to advice and support services
  • Enable all Norfolk libraries to continue to offer free hygiene packs with essential toiletry and sanitary products as well as winter warm grab bags that will include blankets, hot water bottles and draught excluders
  • Give funding to Adult Learning to expand their programme of money management, cooking on a budget and other related courses

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