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About Transport for Norwich

Transport for Norwich is a programme of work to improve accessibility by all forms of transport around the city.

The aim is to encourage the use of more sustainable forms of transport, such as public transport, cycling and walking, while also improving the capacity of the road network, in particular through the Northern Distributor Road.

It’s also designed to stabilise traffic levels and as a result improve air quality around the city.

It is a partnership between Norfolk County Council and Norwich City Council, as well as local authorities within Greater Norwich on schemes in the wider area. Funding is from sources including the Department for Transport, developer contributions, New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership and local growth funds.

With plans for 30,000 new homes and jobs in Greater Norwich over the next decade, new infrastructure is needed to prepare the area for this growth in population by connecting new and existing communities to centres of employment.

Around 40 infrastructure improvement projects have already been delivered during the current phase of Transport for Norwich work with many more in the pipeline.

All key decisions relating to Transport for Norwich projects are considered at the Transport for Norwich Joint Committee. Find out full details

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