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Your questions answered

Here are some commonly asked questions and answers about the Long Stratton Bypass development.

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Project aims and funding 

Why do we need the Long Stratton Bypass?

The current road through Long Stratton has long been recognised as major pinch point on the A140. It is causing significant congestion through the town centre and associated air pollution, as well as causing delays to commuters, freight and much frustration to local residents. Also, its position means that one half of the town is effectively cut off from the other.

A new bypass will improve journey times and journey time reliability and improve the lives of local residents by removing through traffic from the town centre and supporting the delivery of new housing, employment and economic growth.

Delivery of a new bypass is considered to be a prerequisite to provide for the needs of proposed growth in the area and is a priority project within Norfolk County Council's Infrastructure Delivery Plan.

It is essential for the delivery of South Norfolk Council housing targets and linked to the aims and objectives stated within the already adopted Joint Core Strategy (JCS) and the Long Stratton Area Action Plan (LSAAP). For further details see development section on this page.

How much would the proposed scheme cost and how would it be funded?

The overall estimated cost of delivering the scheme is £37.44 million.

£26.2 million (70%) has been secured from the Department for Transport's (DfT) Major Road Network Fund.

A local contribution, underwritten by Norfolk County Council, will account for the other 30% of the scheme costs, which totals £11.23 million.

The exact composition of this local contribution has not yet been finalised, however it is estimated to comprise of a £4.5 million contribution from the developer and a Greater Norwich Growth Board contribution of £6.73 million via pooled Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL).

Is the government funding to construct the road secure?

The level of government funding has been secured in principle (see funding section on this page) to enable us to construct the scheme. We have already received funding to allow the procurement process to begin and facilitate the development and submission of our Full Business Case (FBC). The final confirmation of funding is however still subject to approval of both the planning application and FBC.

Can the government funding be used elsewhere?

No. The funding contribution from the DfT specifically relates to the proposed scheme and cannot be used to fund other transport schemes or be diverted to support other council services or initiatives.



What consultation has been undertaken on the proposed scheme?

A number of public consultation and stakeholder events were held for an earlier bypass scheme, which was developed and approved (but not delivered due to lack of funding) between 2002 and 2008.

This process identified the eastern side of Long Stratton as the appropriate side of the town for the bypass to be located. It established the preferred route alignment which was subsequently adopted within the Joint Core Strategy and Long Stratton Area Action Plan (LSAAP) - consulted on and examined in 2015.

The initial planning application submission made by the developers in 2018 was also subject to public consultation.

Further details on all historical consultations which have shaped the present proposals are provided in Section 2 of the main report in our Outline Business Case.

The revised planning applications from the developers were submitted to South Norfolk Council in August 2021 and have also undergone a 6 week statutory planning consultation. Further details are available on the council's planning portal.

What opportunities will there be for consultation in future?

The proposals have already been widely consulted throughout their development. Most recently in August 2021 (details can be found in the 'what consultation has been undertaken on the proposed scheme' section).

A further engagement exercise in November 2021 will inform the Cycling and Horse-riding Assessment Report (WCHAR).

Find out more on our walking, cycling and horse-riding assessment and review page.

Following planning approval further statutory consultation will also be carried out for a Side Roads Order (SRO) which will be advertised locally.



Why is a new housing development proposed in conjunction with the bypass?

The proposal for a bypass is inextricably linked in local planning policies, to plan for major new housing and employment development in Long Stratton.

The adopted Joint Core Strategy for Broadland, Norwich and South Norfolk identifies Long Stratton as a key location for growth. It proposes the development of 1,800 new houses with supporting school facilities, green infrastructure and 9.5ha of employment land, over the period 2008 to 2026. This scale of development would not be acceptable unless a bypass were also provided to remove A140 traffic from the town centre. The adopted Long Stratton Area Action Plan (LSAAP) confirms that a bypass is an essential requirement for housing growth and must be in place before the 250th house is occupied.

How was the location of the bypass decided?

In April 2003, following the public consultation detailed above, Norfolk County Council's (NCC) Cabinet adopted a dual carriageway A140 bypass on the eastern side of Long Stratton, with an overbridge at Church Lane as the preferred route.

The western side of the town posed far greater environmental and ecological concerns in comparison to the fields located to the east. All of this land lies within the developer's control and therefore the road must be built within that overall footprint to avoid the need for any Compulsory Purchase Orders (CPOs).


Environmental assessment

The proposed scheme will be subject to a statutory Environmental Impact Assessment under the Infrastructure Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017.

A full Environmental Statement was included as part of the planning application and all associated documents can be viewed on South Norfolk Council's planning portal.

The environmental impacts associated to the proposed bypass have been assessed using the Department for Transport (DfT) WEB TAG assessment, as well as various surveys which will be undertaken by environmental specialists.  There are further details on environmental appraisal for Noise, Greenhouse Gases and Air Quality in Appendix G of our Outline Business Case (OBC).


What land is required for the scheme?

The scheme is entirely within existing highway boundaries or accommodated on land already in the control of the applicant who have submitted the planning application. This land will be contributed to the project as a 'land gift'. This was also the case for the already completed Hempnall junction improvement.


Are you talking to landowners whose properties are located within the footprint of the scheme?

All local landowners affected are engaged directly with both the developers and NCC.


Will any compensation be offered to those who live near the proposed scheme?

Under Part 1 of the Land Compensation Act 1973 compensation can be sought by people who own and also occupy certain property that has been reduced in value by physical factors caused by the scheme but have not had any land acquired for the scheme itself.

The physical factors are noise, vibration, smell, fumes, smoke and artificial lighting and the discharge on to the property of any solid or liquid substance. Other factors such as the loss of view or privacy cannot be included in the claim for compensation.

To claim, you must be the owner of the property on the date the road first comes in to public use. This is known as the 'relevant date'. You must also still be the owner on the date you claim.

In addition to being the owner, you must also occupy the property as your home at the date you claim. The exceptions to this are where you have let the property to someone else or there is another legal reason preventing you from occupying the property.

The first day for claiming compensation is a year and a day after the new or altered highway first comes into public use. This is known as the 'first claim day'.



The artist impression sketches on this page give an idea of what the finished bypass could look like.

The images show a raised bank and areas of significant landscaping which will separate the bypass from the proposed housing development, making it less visible and reducing any issues with noise.

Download a map showing the position of the bypass in relation to the proposed housing development (PDF) [2MB]

Further detailed plans are available within the planning application documents on South Norfolk Council's planning portal.

Provision for cyclists and pedestrians

In agreement with the Department for Transport, the proposed bypass will have no segregated cycle facility alongside it. Instead, cyclists will be encouraged to use what is currently the existing A140 as this is expected to become a much safer environment with significantly less traffic. In delivery of the proposal, NCC is working alongside South Norfolk Council and developers to ensure that cycling opportunities within Long Stratton are provided through the planning system, alongside the bypass.  Where the proposed new bypass interacts with the existing Highway network, safe crossing facilities will be provided that are suitable for both cyclists and pedestrians alike.  The proposal also provides for two overbridges along its route, one for all vehicles at Hall Lane and a second pedestrian/cycle facility toward the northern end along the route of Footpath 7.  Both of these routes will allow cyclists to cross the proposal without having to be in contact with bypass traffic.

Similarly to the proposed cycling facilities, the proposal does not provide a footway adjacent to the bypass.  Instead, existing Public Rights of Way affected by the proposal are being diverted and rationalised to provide excellent walking opportunities.  The bypass proposal will provide safe crossing facilities at all of the proposed junctions, as well as pedestrian provision at the two overbridges.

View all proposed Public Rights of Way (PDF) [2MB]

Traffic reduction

Once the bypass has been opened, it is forecast that traffic flows should reduce by approximately 80-90% of the existing flows through the centre of Long Stratton. That reduction in traffic will be diverted onto the bypass away from the town centre.


Significant reductions in vehicular traffic will allow greater opportunities for safer walking and cycling within the core of the town.  The town is currently split in two by the A140 and the large volume of traffic it carries, removal of these traffic flows will allow the community to come together more easily and safely.

The anticipated reduction in traffic will lead to reduced congestion through the town and beyond.  It is intended that the reduced traffic flow through the town will improve road safety, reduce noise and emissions, and generally improve the quality of life for communities.

The high quality road network around Long Stratton will also provide journey time reliability for those travelling on the A140, as well as reducing journey times and green house gas emissions.

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