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Pedlar's Meadow
This page contains AtoBetter travel information for Pedlar's Meadow. Find local facilities, walking and cycling routes, public transport services and more.
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The following bus stops are within 20 minutes walking distance from Pedlar's Meadow:
Pedlars Meadow
- A: Peterborough - Thorney - Wisbech - Terrington - King's Lynn - Swaffham - Dereham - Hockering - Norwich
- B: Peterborough - Thorney - Wisbech - Terrington - King's Lynn - Swaffham - Dereham - Hockering - Norwich
King's Arms
- C: Peterborough - Thorney - Wisbech - Terrington - King's Lynn - Swaffham - Easton - Norwich
- 11: Swaffham - Watton - Dereham
- 20: Swaffham - Dereham Schools
- 20A: Swaffham - Great Massingham
- F3: Swaffham - Barton Bendish
West Norfolk Community Transport routes:
- 10: Swaffham Town Service
- 32: Mileham - Kings Lynn
- 52: Swaffham, Market Place - Easton College
- 60: Three Holes, Swaffham - Wisbech
You can find up to date service announcements on First Norwich Twitter, Konectbus Twitter and Vectare Twitter. You can also find service announcements on First Eastern Counties Facebook, Konectbus Facebook, Vectare Facebook, Konectbus Instagram and Vectare Instagram.
Go to the Konect bus website for tickets
Go to the First Bus website for tickets and apps
Go to the Vectare website for tickets
Go to the West Norfolk Community Transport for timetables
More information on buses in Norfolk
Pedlar's Meadow is within easy walking distance of many local services.
In 15 minutes you can walk to:
- Heartwood Church of England VC Primary and Nursery School
- Swaffham Town Centre
- Iceland Foods
- McColl's
- Swaffham Post Office
- Boots Pharmacy
- Manor Farm Medical Centre
- Dipple and Conway Opticians
- Swaffham Community Centre
- Swaffham Library
In 30 minutes you can walk to:
- Swaffham Church of England Primary Academy
- Swaffham, Sacred Heart Catholic Primary
- OneSchool Global UK Campus
- Tesco
- Asda
- Royal Mail, Swaffham Delivery Office
- EcoTech Business Park
- Campingland Surgery
- The Plowright Medical Centre
- John Holmes Dental Surgery
- Swaffham Community Hospital
- Well Swaffham - Market Place
- Swaffham Veterinary Centre
- Breckland Oesteopath
- Merle Boddy Day Centre
- Universal Pharmacy Ltd
- D A Seaman Optometrists Ltd
In 45 minutes you can walk to:
- Castle Acre Industrial Estate
Pedlar's Meadow is within easy cycling distance of many local services.
In 15 minutes you can cycle to:
- The Nicholas Hamond Academy
- Swaffham Church of England Primary Academy
- Heartwood Church of England VC Primary and Nursery School
- Swaffham, Sacred Heart Catholic Primary
- Sporle Church Of England Primary Academy
- OneSchool Global UK Campus
- Swaffham Town Centre
- Tesco
- Asda
- Waitrose and Partners Swaffham
- Iceland Foods
- Threeway Stores
- McColl's
- Swaffham Post Office
- Royal Mail, Swaffham Delivery Office
- Castle Acre Industrial Estate
- EcoTech Business Park
- Campingland Surgery
- The Plowright Medical Centre
- Boots Pharmacy
- Southlands Dental Practice
- John Holmes Dental Practice
- Swaffham Community Hospital
- Well Swaffham Market Place
- Manor Farm Medical Centre
- Swaffham Veterinary Centre
- Breckland Oesteopath
- Merle Boddy Day Centre
- Universal Pharmacy Lts
- Dipple and Conway Opticians
- D A Seaman Optometrists Lts
- Swaffham Leisure Centre
- Swaffham Community Centre
- Swaffham Library
If you don't feel confident on a bike you can apply for one of our cycle course vouchers.
Your closest cycle shops are:
- Pauls Cycles, Unit A, 13 Yaxham Road, Dereham, NR19 1HB
- Tri Harder, Astra Court, 7 Greens Road, Dereham NR20 3TR
- KL Cycles Ltd, 9 Laen Court, King's Lynn, PE30 5DD
- Dolphin Cycle Repairs, 17 Mustang Way, Attleborough, NR17 1FZ
Mobile Mechanics who operate in this development are:
- Cycli Gert Cycle Repair
- King's Lynn Bike Repairs
You can also find information on our cycling pages.
Your nearest station is Brandon
Visit the National Rail website to buy your tickets and find real time train departures from Brandon.
Routes from Brandon station
Greater Anglia routes:
- Norwich
- King's Lynn
- Downham Market
- Thetford
- London Liverpool Street
Getting to the station
Brandon station is approximately 14.9 miles from Pedlar's Meadow.
The station has 10 sheltered cycle storage spaces.
There are 30 car park spaces including one accessible space
Step free access to both platforms via Mundford Road.
There is a stepped footbridge between the platforms.
Park & Ride
Your nearest Park & Ride is Costessey Park & Ride.
- Route 510: Costessey Park & Ride - Norwich Research Park - N&N University Hospital
- Route 511: Costessey Park & Ride - UEA University Drive
Visit the Park & Ride website for timetables, routes and fares information.
Liftshare is a free service available to anyone who lives, works and travels in and around Norfolk. You could save money on your travel costs, reduce your stress and do your bit to cut congestion and pollution.
Visit the Liftshare website to find out how to join the car sharing community.
Contact your travel plan coordinator
Get in touch with any questions and comments by emailing AtoBetter@norfolk.gov.uk or call us on 01603 223379. You can also join our mailing list to stay up to date with all things AtoBetter.
About AtoBetter
We're delivering the Travel Plan at Pedlar's Meadow on behalf of Persimmon Homes (opens new window) through the AtoBetter travel plan project.
AtoBetter is working with delivery partners and the community to implement a range of measures to encourage residents to consider a wider range of choices for more of their journeys, such as walking, cycling, public transport, and car sharing.