Hellesdon Library
Address: Woodview Road, Hellesdon, Norwich, NR6 5QB
Map showing location of Hellesdon library.
Email: libraries@norfolk.gov.uk
Contact Norfolk County Council
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Did you know you can renew your library books online? You'll need your library card and PIN.
Opening hours
Open Library gives you access to your local library even when it is unstaffed. Find out more about Open Library.
Monday: 8 to 10am - Open Library access
10am to 7pm - Library is staffed
Tuesday: 8am to 7pm - Open Library access
Wednesday: 8 to 10am - Open Library access
10am to 7pm - Library is staffed
Thursday: 8 to 10am - Open Library access
10am to 7pm - Library is staffed
Friday: 8 to 10am - Open Library access
10am to 7pm - Library is staffed
Saturday: 8 to 10am - Open Library access
10am to 4pm - Library is staffed
Sunday: 10am to 4pm - Open Library access
View our bank holiday opening hours information.
You can return items when the library is closed using the brass letterbox to the left of the main entrance. Please make sure that books drop into the box completely and are not left sticking out.
Services at Hellesdon Library
- Browse and borrow books and other library items
- Free access to computers and wifi
- Ramp access
- Car park with disabled parking
- Baby weighing facilities