Taverham Library
Address: Sandy Lane, Taverham, Norwich, NR8 6JR
Map showing location of Taverham Library
Email: libraries@norfolk.gov.uk
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Did you know you can renew your library books online? You will need your library card and PIN.
Opening hours
Monday: 8 to 10.30am - Open Library access 10.30am to 7pm - Library is staffed
Tuesday:8am to 12.30pm - Open Library access
12.30 to 7pm - Library is staffed
Wednesday: 8am to 7pm - Open Library access
Thursday:8 to 10.30am - Open Library access
10.30am to 7pm - Library is staffed
Friday:8 to 10.30am - Open Library access
10.30am to 7pm - Library is staffed
Saturday: 10am to 4pm - Library is staffed
Sunday: 10am to 4pm - Open Library access
Open Library gives you access to your local library even when it is unstaffed. Find out more about Open Library.
Services at Taverham Library
- Browse and borrow books and other library items
- Free access to computers and wifi
- Automatic doors
- Car park
- Disabled parking
- Baby weighing facilities