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Other ways to get involved with Norfolk in Care Council

Not everyone wants to come to a meeting so we make sure there are different ways you can still get involved and have your voice heard.

Project groups

You can get involved in standalone projects such as:

  • making information films
  • helping to create young person friendly reports
  • helping to develop this website

and more. Find out about our previous projects.

Interview panels

You can volunteer to be part of a children and young people’s panel. This means you will work with 2–3 other children and young people to write questions you want to ask and be able to ask your questions directly to people who want the job. You'll meet with the adult panel afterwards to give your opinion on which person you feel should be offered the job. All panels have support to help them do this. You also don't have to take notes if you don't want to yourself, as someone will be there to do this.

Skills to Foster

You can be part of skills to foster courses, making sure that people who want to foster understand what is important to children and young people. You can also make sure they don’t do things that make it harder to settle into a new placement.


You can decide which training sessions you are interested in and work with the participation team to write down information you want social workers/foster carers/independent reviewing officers to know. This could be anything you decide such as how to build good relationships or your top tips.

You can even take part in teaching sessions at the University of East Anglia (UEA) talking to student social workers. This means you can share important information before they even start working as a social worker.

Young Inspectors

You can become a Young Inspector and go on visits (including virtually) to residential children’s homes. You will get the chance to talk to the young people who live there and hear about their experiences. You can provide feedback for the homes to reflect on and help to bring about change that will benefit the residentials home and other young people. It also helps you to develop your confidence, knowledge, communication and teamwork skills.


Take part in surveys on lots of different topics, we will make sure the results are displayed on this website so you can see what you decided and what will happen.

Other groups

Youth Advisory Boards (opens new window) are a great way to meet other Young People aged 13 to 19 years and do something positive for your community.

You can give your thoughts and opinions by filling in surveys on topics that are important to you.

Email us

If you are interested in getting involved with any of the opportunities above or have any ideas for other projects you would like to see happen, email us at and we will be in touch.

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