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Paying for care

What to bring to the financial assessment

The financial assessment will only look at your finances, not consider your partner's or spouse's. However, you should tell us about any savings or capital held in joint names.

Will you look at the value of my home?

We will not include your home's value if you need care at home. We also will not include it if you're moving into a care home temporarily.

If you are moving into a care home permanently, Age UK tell you when your home will not be counted in the financial assessment. For example, because certain people still live there.

We know many people worry they'll have to sell their home to pay for care home costs. We've put together a guide on will I have to sell my home to pay for my care home costs.

Bring details (like letters or statements) about:

  • Assets:
    • Buildings
    • Land
    • Cash
    • Savings in building society accounts and bank current accounts
  • Other types of capital:
    • National Savings certificates and Ulster Savings certificates
    • Premium bonds
    • Stocks and shares
    • Capital held by the court of protection or a deputy appointed by that court
    • Trust funds (in certain circumstances)
  • Savings in deposit accounts or special investment accounts (including half of any joint accounts):
    • Savings held in the national savings bank, girobank and trustee savings bank
    • SAYE schemes
    • Unit trusts
    • Co-operatives share accounts
  • Income:
    • Your state or occupational pension
    • Benefits (including joint claims). This includes disability living allowance (DLA), personal independence payment (PIP), attendance allowance (AA), employment support allowance, universal credit, pension credit. 
    • Any earnings, statutory sick pay, or maternity pay

Tell us about essential expenditure

You should tell us about any essential outgoings you have, including:

  • Disability related expenses (DRE) - we'll only look at these as past of your financial assessment for non-residential care. DREs are extra costs that you may have to pay because of your disability or care need. DREs can affect how much you pay for your care. We might take these off the amount we consider to be your available income, reducing the amount you pay. Our disability related expenses guide explains more about DREs, like what expenses are included. It includes an easy read guide.
  • Rent or mortgage
  • Council tax

Unsure what to bring?

If you have questions about what you need to bring to your assessment, email us at or call 01603 222133 (option 2) 

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