Shared Lives

Shared Lives is a service where an adult or young person who needs support moves in with or regularly visits an approved Shared Lives carer, after they have been carefully matched for compatibility. Together, they share family and community life.
Shared Lives carers give a helping hand to someone getting dressed, getting to doctors' appointments, making friends, cooking together, voting for favourite dancers on TV and much more!
People visiting or moving in with Shared Lives carers may have been in foster care, have learning or physical disabilities, may be an older person with a frailty or dementia, or have mental ill health.
People are usually referred to Shared Lives by social services, so if you have had an assessment and are eligible for care and support then talk to your worker about whether this is an option.
Hear about Connor's experience in our short film, Shared Lives: Meet Connor.
PSS provide Norfolk's Shared Lives service - visit the PSS Shared Lives page for more information.
PSS have a carer recruitment website. Visit the PSS Shared Lives Carer page for more information and to apply to be a Shared Lives carer.
You can also contact us if you feel you need help from Social Services