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Information for you

You may be feeling like taking your own life is the only option, but please keep reading.  

There are lots of people, support services and ideas out there to help you get through this. It will feel hard for you at the moment but it won't always feel this way. This overwhelming feeling might pass.

  • What would take your mind off things? Try going for a walk, doing something outside or listening to music. Use relaxation techniques, or just breathe
  • Think about how you can keep yourself safe, just until you can talk to someone
  • Speak to a friend or family member, someone you trust
  • If you are supported by a professional, tell them how you are feeling
  • Think about the things that are good in your life - the things you enjoy doing, the people in your life that make you feel good
  • Remember - there are people who care about you
  • This Every Life Matters safety plan template, with guidance, can be useful
  • The NHS have approved digital tools designed to help with mental health
  • Build your own LifeBox with reasons to stay alive including support information to national and local resources on the Stay Alive app

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