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Redcat Partnership

Redcat partnership

Helping Redcat's health and safety consultants make the next leap in business development

"We have always offered clients more than health and safety training," says Sarah Daniels, co-founder of the Redcat Partnership.

"However, our ambition has always been to build up the consultancy side of our business that helps them reduce operational risks. We had started doing this but we realised we needed help with our digital communications strategy."

When Sarah saw the Go Digital offer of free advice - and a potential grant of £500 for new technology, she leapt at the opportunity.

"It was just the sort of impartial expertise we needed at the time," she explains.

Getting a Go Digital adviser

"Our adviser, Stuart Forrester was excellent. He helped us shape our strategic thinking and gave us the confidence to put our ideas into action."

Sarah was particularly impressed by Stuart's approach, which "felt like good coaching. He really took the time to actively listen and, because it was confidential, I felt I could be open with him. We all tend to know what we need to do - but sometimes we need someone to remind and guide us."

As well as helping Sarah and her partner Richard clarify their long-term business plans, Stuart also gave them suggestions for practical ways to improve their digital communications.

"He gave me to the confidence to do more with digital platforms, such as Instagram, and advised us on how to use key words on our website for Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) purposes."

Seeing success

Since taking part in Go Digital, Redcat has been busy helping many clients to reopen workplaces safely after lockdown. As such, Sarah and Richard are still working their way through many of Stuart's ideas.

"Our next big project is to set up a proper Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system to improve our customer communications," says Sarah, "and we have already had a number of conversations with a recommended provider.

"I am delighted that the £500 grant will help pay for that, not least because it gives us a real incentive to follow through. We knew we would have to do something like this to grow the business but until we spoke to Stuart it seemed quite daunting. However," Sarah concludes,

"thanks to his advice and the Go Digital grant, we are more confident about taking the next steps in our Redcat journey."