C-CARE: Covid Channel Area Response Exchange
Interreg 5A France Channel England Programme
Value of EU Grant - £5,826,000
Start and end dates - April 2021 to March 2023
C-Care is an ambitious Interreg project which aims to respond to some of the socio-economic challenges brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. C-Care will build on some of the initiatives put in place to help businesses and individuals during the COVID-19 pandemic. The partnership will design and deliver an innovative range of schemes to provide support to over 1,900 businesses and 4,500 individuals at risk of exclusion in the France-Channel England area to aid economic recovery.
For more information, watch the 45-minute C-Care overview video.
Norfolk County Council are one of the project partners, the project is being led by Kent County Council.
This will include:
- Activities on both sides of the Channel to help individuals gain new knowledge and skills to help with accessing employment, becoming self-employed or starting a business
- Direct support for businesses including advice, vouchers and grants aimed at helping sectors hard-hit by the pandemic to develop new business models to respond market changes and new customer behaviour whilst ensuring a green, inclusive and sustainable economic recovery.