Workforce information and support
International Recruitment
International Recruitment - Community of Practice (COP)
The quarterly online COP is for the growing interest in international recruitment. It is one of the many ways to increase capacity in the adult social care workforce.
The COP aims to bring together adult social care providers in Norfolk with international recruitment. This enables a platform for best practice, the sharing of information and collaboration.
See our events calendar for the upcoming COP meeting dates.
International Recruitment - eastern region offer
Norfolk is the Lead Authority for the approved application for £2.4m from the Department of Health and Social Care. On behalf of the Eastern Region, Norfolk is to establish a Centre of Excellence to further support the market with International Recruitment.
There is a dedicated programme of support available. View more information on our International Recruitment East hub.
For any questions, please email:
Help with Certificates of Sponsorship (COS)
If you're an adult social care provider and need additional certificates of sponsorships we may be able to help speed up the process.
How we can help
UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) has asked local councils to provide additional information to help them with their decision making. Norfolk County Council may be able to support your application and the final decision is up to UKVI.
What you need to do
Email the following information to
Sponsorship information
- Provider details (Name, address, contact details)
- COS request details (e.g. 10x SOC code -6145 carer @ 37 hours per week)
- Date of application for COS
Size and structure
- Average number of people you've supported per week in the last 12/24 months.
- Average hours of care provided per week in the last 12/24 months.
- Current number of full-time care workers and average number in the last 12/24 months. Explain any big changes (e.g., new services, staff transfers).
Service demand
- If you currently have a contract/s in place with Norfolk County Council, what is the form of the contract (i.e. block or spot purchased, framework, etc.) and how long have contracts been in place/have left to run?
- What percentage of your care workforce are, or have been, recruited via agencies over the past 12 / 24 months?
- What is your current care staff turnover rate?
- What percentage of your current care workforce (FTE), and of your care workforce (FTE) over the past 12/24 months, are or were international recruits with a health and care visa?
- How long have you been registered with CQC and what is your current rating (please state if not yet rated)?
- Indicate all previous experience of international recruitment (all roles) in your organisation (i.e. numbers of staff recruited / roles recruited to / years' experience of international recruitment etc). What support does your organisation offer to new international recruits (e.g. pastoral support, advice, accommodation, driving lessons)?
What happens next
Your information will be reviewed by our team and the Director of Adult Social Services. We'll update you on our decision, and UKVI will inform you about the outcome of your COS application