Fire safety risk assessment guidance for businesses

There is fire safety risk assessment guidance for all different types of businesses.
Assessment guidance should be read together with information on fire safety legislation: The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005.
General guidance
Visit GOV.UK and download A short guide to making your premises safe from fire.
All employers are required to provide fire fighting equipment at work that is:
- Adequate for the size of the workplace
- Appropriate to the risks presented by that particular business
Staff training should be carried out with sufficient frequency that all staff can cope in an emergency.
You should also follow the guidance which is relevant to your specific type of business
Offices and shops
Offices and retail premises including individual units within larger premises, for example, shopping centres. GOV.UK Offices and shops guidance
Factories and warehouses
GOV.UK Factories and warehouse storage premises guidance.
Sleeping accommodation
All premises where the main use is to provide sleeping accommodation.
For example, hotels, guest houses, bed and breakfasts, hostels, residential training centres, holiday accommodation and sheltered housing.
(If sheltered housing provides care services, read the guidance for residential care premises.)
This guidance is not for hospitals, residential care premises, places of custody and single private dwellings.
GOV.UK sleeping accommodation guidance
GOV.UK guidance for the hospitality industry with paying guests
Residential care premises
Residential care and nursing homes, common areas of sheltered housing (where care is provided) and similar premises, which are permanently staffed and where the primary use is the provision of care rather than healthcare.
GOV.UK Residential care premises guidance.
Educational premises
Teaching establishments ranging from pre-school through to universities, except the residential parts.
GOV.UK Educational premises guidance.
Healthcare premises
Premises where the primary use is the provision of healthcare (including private). For example, hospitals, doctor surgeries, dentists and other similar healthcare premises.
GOV.UK Healthcare premises guidance.
Small and medium places of assembly up to 300 people. For example, pubs, restaurants, cafes, libraries and churches
Smaller public houses, clubs, restaurants and cafes, village halls, community centres, libraries, marquees, churches and other places of worship or study accommodating up to 300 people.
GOV.UK Small and medium places of assembly guidance.
Norfolk Fire and Rescue Service guidance for small and medium places of assembly.
Norfolk Fire and Rescue Service advice on kitchen extraction systems fire safety.
Large places of assembly for more than 300 people. For example, shopping centres, large nightclubs and sports venues
Larger premises where more than 300 people could gather. For example, shopping centres (not the individual shops), large nightclubs and pubs, exhibition and conference centres, sports stadia, marquees, museums, cathedrals and other places of worship or study.
GOV.UK Large places of assembly guidance.
Theatres, cinemas and similar places
Open air events and venues
Open air events. For example, theme parks, zoos, music concerts, sporting events (not stadia - see large places of assembly), fairgrounds and county fairs.
GOV.UK Open air events and venue guidance.
Transport premises and facilities
Transportation terminals and interchanges. For example, airports, railway stations, transport tunnels, ports, bus and coach stations and similar premises but excluding the means of transport (eg trains, buses, planes and ships).
GOV.UK Transport premises guidance.
Animal premises and stables
Means of escape for disabled people
This guide is a supplement to be read alongside other guides in this series. It provides additional information on accessibility and means of escape.
GOV.UK Means of escape for disabled people guidance.