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Report fire risks

If you see something that you think might be a fire risk or that worries you, you can tell us and we will investigate it.

Norfolk Fire and Rescue Service treats all reports of alleged fire risks or fire safety concerns very seriously and does so in strict confidence. You do not need to leave your name if you do not want to, but we would need to know the details about what concerns or worries you.

If you:

  • Have doubts about whether a premises or place is presenting a fire hazard 
  • Are worried about the possibility of someone's safety being compromised if there is a fire

Do not hesitate to contact us on 0300 123 1669 or through our contact form.

Examples of fire risks and safety concerns

Examples of the type of things the public reports to us:

  • Blocked or locked fire exits or fire escape routes
  • Fire alarm not working or cannot be heard properly
  • There appears to be a risk of fire occurring
  • A fire has occurred and the fire service was not called
  • Staff at a business premises do not appear to know what to do in the event of a fire

These are not the only things we will look into. Your concerns could be about anything that you think might be a risk to people in a building. For example, fire risks have an even greater potential to cause injury or loss of life when people are asleep, have a disability or are unfamiliar with their surroundings. So you might be worried about residents in a hotel, new employees in the workplace or people with visual or hearing impairment or mobility needs.

Whatever your concerns, don't think that an issue is trivial, we want to hear from you.

What happens after you report a concern

If you want us to, we will tell you what has happened after an investigation. However, we will only do this after we have contacted the premises owner or the responsible person.  

Be assured what you tell us is investigated in confidence. The premises owner or responsible person will not be given any information about you.

Example premises you can contact us for


  • Care home
  • High rise residential building (seven floors or over)
  • Low rise residential building (six floors or under)
  • House in multiple occupation
  • Sheltered accommodation



  • Factory or warehouse
  • Hotel
  • Other sleeping accommodation (not a domestic dwelling.)
  • Licenced premises
  • Light industrial unit
  • Office
  • Shop



  • Place of worship
  • School
  • University
  • Hospital
  • Doctors surgery
  • Public building


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