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Study reveals School Streets boost walking and cycling on safer, healthier schools runs

Norfolk County Council, 9 March 2023 00:00

It's been revealed today that Norfolk's School Streets trial boosted cycling and walking, and was warmly welcomed by parents, residents and staff who said they saw safer and healthier streets.

Getting underway last year, the trial in Norfolk offered a chance to explore a new way to tackle known congestion and safety issues around schools, which are faced by many communities across the county.

Cllr James Bensly, Chair of the Infrastructure and Development Select Committee, said: "Our focus has always been to find ways to make Norfolk children's journeys to school as safe and healthy as possible - so now we know School Streets can and will work, but may not be the right fit for every town, village or school.

"I'm looking forward to exploring, with fellow councillors, what other options schools and local communities can use to boost cycling, walking and wheeling, and cut congestion and pollution over the years ahead."

Councillors will be looking at a number of proposals, including how School Streets could be operated without such a demand on volunteer time, as well as commenting on a range of ways to cut school run traffic issues, such as designing in easy active travel options when new schools are built, and offering schools tools to help encourage more pupils to walk, wheel or cycle to school.

Sustrans delivered the School Streets trial in partnership with the County Council, building on their work on other successful schemes across the country working closely with schools, families and local communities. The team focused on encouraging all members of the schools and local communities to participate in the pilot project.

David Burt, Senior Project Manager for Sustrans in the East of England, said: "Sustrans has worked on successful School Street schemes around the country so was excited to deliver the trial in Norfolk. There were some amazing outcomes from this trial including reduced vehicle use, increases in walking, cycling and wheeling, and a general improvement in perceptions of safety and wellbeing outside the school gates. The trial provided the perfect opportunity to learn how School Streets could be delivered within a Norfolk context and laid the foundation for delivering safer, healthier and more pleasant journeys to school."

The Infrastructure and Development Select Committee meeting will take place on Wednesday, 15 March.

Watch the meeting online live or afterwards. (opens new window)

Last modified: 14 May 2024 12:45

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