Flourish Awards 2023 celebrating outstanding contributions to help children and young people in Norfolk Flourish

Monday's Flourish Awards saw people from across Norfolk gather to celebrate the people, projects, teams and organisations that have made outstanding contributions to help children and young people in Norfolk Flourish.
Hosted by the Children and Young People's Strategic Alliance (CYPSA), the event received over 300 nominations, with 160 different nominees selected. Eight winners have been announced across the categories, with 16 others named Finalists.
Sara Tough, Chair of CYPSA, said "It's been such a joy to recognise the work that is happening across Norfolk to help children and young people flourish. The projects we honoured on Monday are all so varied, innovative and effective. I've really been overwhelmed to see the impact that these people and projects have on children and young people in Norfolk, and to celebrate them together at this amazing ceremony. Congratulations to all the nominees, and especially the winners. See you at the Flourish Awards 2024!"
Cllr Penny Carpenter, Cabinet Member for Children's Services said "Congratulations to all the finalists and winners and all those who took part in Monday's Flourish Awards. More than anything I want to recognise to all of the brilliant people who are giving so much time, care and love to supporting our young people in Norfolk. You are truly making a difference in the lives of so many children, young people and their families, so thank you."
Cllr Kay Mason-Billig, Leader of the Council, said "I had an amazing time at the Flourish Awards. Hearing the impact that organisations across Norfolk are having on so many families, children and young people was wonderful. I particularly want to say thank you to the brave young men and women who hosted the awards ceremony, and shared some of their story with us; you are an inspiration. I'm so proud of Norfolk; congratulations to every nominee, finalist and winner; keep doing what you're doing."
The full list of winner and finalists is:
Family and Friends Award
- Winner: Dawn George - Freethorpe Primary School
- Finalist: Twinkle's SEN Activity Days CIC
- Finalist: West Norfolk Deaf Association
Learning Award
- Winner: Forest School for Life
- Finalist: Norfolk Museums' Learning and Engagement Team - Rachael Williams
- Finalist: Squirrels Reception Class - Heather Avenue Infant School
Opportunity Award
- Winner: The Hamlet Charity
- Finalist: The Boost Project
- Finalist: Open Road West Norfolk
Understood Award
- Winner: Norse Catering
- Finalist: Norfolk in Care Council
- Finalist: Breckland Youth Advisory Board (YAB)
Resilience Award
- Winner: MAP Advice Service
- Finalist: Solace Partnerships - UASC services
- Finalist: The Bread Kitchen
Individual Award
- Winner: Morgan's Academy of Dance
- Finalist: Visible Festival - NANSA
- Finalist: Days of Welcome/Schools of Sanctuary
Safe and Secure Award
- Winner: The Matthew Project - Young People's Team
- Finalist: Crucial Crew (Norfolk Fire and Rescue)
- Finalist: Targeted Youth Support Service - with special mention of Charmaine Goldsmith
Healthy Award
- Winner: Transforming Care Navigators - Integrated Care Board
- Finalist: Toshi Ryu martial arts
- Finalist: Cup O-T
The event also saw young people take centre stage for the evening as five young people hosted and presented the awards, receiving bespoke training from Norwich Theatre Royal to act as comperes for the evening, and Norfolk County Council's Jazz Quintet, who played at the start of the evening.
Through the event the comperes shared their experience of how they'd been supported by a wide range of individuals and organisations in their own lives as they introduced each award winner.
One young person said "Being a part of the Youth Advisory Board has given me the chance to learn about why things have happened to me in the past. The main lesson that I have learned when being on the YAB, is being more open and not being afraid to speak out and to not be ashamed or embarrassed by how I may feel. Learning is always a good thing, and that's another thing I have also realised."
Another said "Being treated as an individual is something that truly matters to me. It is about understanding that what works for others may not work for me, and that is okay. When I am recognised as my own person, it creates a safe space where I can be authentic, make mistakes and grow. It allows me to connect with others on a deeper level as they see and appreciate me for who I truly am."
The awards ceremony was supported by Norse Group, New- U, Norwich City Football Club and Norwich Community Support Foundation, Norfolk Music Hub and Norwich Theatre Royal and Big Sky Creative. Winners were selected by a panel of young people and parent carers from a variety of participation groups including the Youth Advisory Boards, DRAGONs, Family Voice Norfolk, Unity, The Matthew Project, NSFT Participation and the Norfolk In-Care Council.