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See more (Go to Logo and search functionality for Adult Learning)Access to Higher Education courses with Adult Learning

Access to Higher Education
Our Access to Higher Education (HE) Diploma qualifications provide the ideal route to university for those people who have not previously studied at degree level, those seeking to change career and without suitable qualifications.
We deliver Access to Health Professions which can lead to further study and career opportunities in health professions, such as nursing, midwifery, paramedic and radiography sectors.
Access to Psychosocial Studies provides a progression route to degrees in social work, social policy, criminology and psychology. The courses contain mandatory units which develop a strong foundation in academic study skills.
We also offer a Preparation for Academic Study at Level 3 course which will help you develop the skills needed for study towards higher level qualification courses, such as Access to HE.
Access to HE course requirements are English and maths at GCSE grade 4/C or higher. Functional Skills at Level 2 may be accepted, although this depends on individual university course entry requirements. All learners must first attend an information session, details of which can be accessed through the link below.