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Norfolk County Council celebrates the success of GCSE students

Norfolk County Council, 22 August 2024 10:05

This year's GCSE and Level 2 Vocation and Technology Qualification (VTQ) students are being congratulated for their efforts and signposted to further advice and support on results day.

Cllr Penny Carpenter, cabinet member for Children's Services at Norfolk County Council, said, "Today is a day of celebration for our students. Their success is a testament to their strength and adaptability during such a transformative period in education. We are incredibly proud of what they have accomplished and look forward to seeing where their talents and aspirations take them next.

"For anyone who did not receive the grades they hoped for, there is lots of support and advice available to help you decide what to do next."

"I would also like to thank all of our school and education staff including teachers, headteachers, assistants, support staff, and tutors who have worked with young people and adults to help them achieve these results."

As students consider their next steps, whether in further education, apprenticeships, or work with training, the council offers continued support with a range of resources available, to help guide them in making informed decisions about their future.

There is also plenty of help and advice for those who may have not done as well as expected, have changed their mind about their plans, or who don't have anything in place for September.

  • Speak to the careers teacher/adviser at the school they went to - they will be able to offer help and advice.
  • Get in touch with the sixth form or college they have applied to - find out whether they will still give offer a place on their chosen course. Even if they have not achieved the grades required for the course they may still be able to get a place on another suitable course.
  • Norfolk County Council's  Help You Choose website  has impartial advice and information about options including CV writing, apprenticeship vacancies, and information about different careers. It can also support parents to help them understand the different options for their child. You can use the automated chatbot feature or speak to an adviser on 0344 800 8022.
  • Norfolk and Waveney Children and Young People's Health Services offers support for those struggling with their mental health with a range of information and advice on the Just One Norfolk website and text chat and helpline offers.
  • 'Get the Jump' Skills for Life content hub on the National Careers Service website offers information about education and training choices. Students can also chat directly to an expert adviser via webchat or by calling the National Careers Service exam results helpline on 0800 100 900.
  • For more information about what to do on results day see  The Student Room GCSE results advice.
Last modified: 22 August 2024 10:14

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