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Council balances budget despite 'exceptional' financial pressure

Norfolk County Council , 17 January 2025 16:51
Andrew Jamieson

Norfolk County Council have presented their budget for 2025/26 in the face of severe financial headwinds. 

The council's cabinet will consider proposals for a balanced budget, which will see council tax increase by 4.99%. 

Councillor Andrew Jamieson, deputy leader and cabinet member for finance at Norfolk County Council said: 

"I need to be straightforward with the people of Norfolk- funding from central government is inadequate to cover the future cost pressures that local councils will face." 

"Norfolk County Council remains in a sound financial position for the forthcoming year thanks to the actions we have taken, and the extremely difficult decisions we've been forced to make. 

"We continue to see significant growth in demand for our services, in particular in adult social care and SEND where there are systemic issues at a national level that haven't been addressed." 

"We have also seen the abolition of Rural Services Delivery Grant, equivalent to 1% of council tax. We know how challenging it can be to deliver services in a large, rural county like Norfolk, so it is disappointing this hasn't been reflected in the government's plans." 

"We need meaningful, sustainable reform to local government funding that provides local councils with the resources they need." 

The papers set out the details of a balanced Budget for 2025-26, based on a total of £45.347m of savings, and investment into services of £108.808m. 

The budget will be considered at the council's cabinet meeting on 27 January. The proposals will then be considered by scrutiny committee on 12 February, and full council on 18 February. 

You can watch the meeting, live or afterwards, and read the reports online. 

Last modified: 20 January 2025 14:37

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