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Compass Schools

Compass Schools are for children and young people aged 7-14-years-old, who have emerging or actual mental health needs, including attachment issues or developmental trauma. The schools offer full time permanent school places in Norfolk.

Pupils receive high quality education services and clinical therapy. Parent carers are fully involved in the work and have easy access to the teachers and therapists.

The staff work creatively to engage children and young people. They provide a flexible and individually tailored response to the needs of each pupil. The aim is to prepare children and young people for reintegration into mainstream school.

Staff includes:

  • Specialist teachers
  • Specialist support assistants
  • Clinical psychologists
  • Clinical staff including art therapists and music therapists

Who is eligible for referral?

The child or young person must have:

What is the admissions process?

  • A child or young person must be referred by their EHCP coordinator
  • The referral is then discussed at an admissions meeting with the school staff, clinical staff and the local authority

Where are the Compass Schools?

There are 50 places in three schools across the Norfolk:

  • Compass - Belton. Bell Lane, Belton, Great Yarmouth, NR31 9LD
  • Compass - Pott Row. Cliff-en-howe Road, Pott Row, King's Lynn, PE32 1BY
  • Compass - Lingwood. School Road, Lingwood, Norwich, NR13 4TJ