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Ask a question to a committee

Anyone who is a resident in Norfolk, a non-domestic ratepayer in Norfolk, or who pays Council Tax in Norfolk may ask a question through the Chair about a matter for which the Committee or the Council has a responsibility or that particularly affects Norfolk. Eligibility to ask questions does not extend to County Council employees asking questions relating to their employment.

Public questions may be asked at the following Committees:

  • Cabinet
  • Scrutiny Committee
  • Corporate Select Committee
  • Infrastructure and Development Select Committee
  • People and Communities Select Committee

(Part 6B of the Norfolk County Council Constitution sets out the Procedure Rules for Cabinet and Part 8B of the Constitution sets out Procedure Rules for other Committees.)

Ask a question

The Director of Governance (Democratic and Regulatory Services) may reject a question if it:

  1. Is not a matter for which the Council has a responsibility or particularly affects the County
  2. Is defamatory, frivolous or offensive or has been the subject of a similar question in the last six months or the same one already submitted under this provision
  3. Requires the disclosure of confidential or exempt information (as defined in the Council's Access to Information Procedure Rules)

Public questions to committees


A question may only be put if either:

  1. At least three working days' notice of the question is given in writing to the Director of Governance (Democratic and Regulatory Services) eg by 5pm on a Tuesday preceding a committee meeting on Monday; or
  2. The question relates to urgent matters and it has the consent of the Chair to whom the question is to be put, and the content of the question is given to the Director of Governance (Democratic and Regulatory Services) by 9.30am on the day of the meeting


Number and length of questions

The number of questions which can be asked will be limited to one question per person plus a supplementary.

No more than one question plus a supplementary may be asked on behalf of any organisation.

You may only ask one question and one supplementary question to Cabinet in any six month period. In addition, you may only ask one question and one supplementary to either the Scrutiny Committee or a Select Committee in any six month period.

Questions are subject to a maximum word limit of 110 words. Questions that are in excess of 110 words will be disqualified.

A supplementary question may be asked without notice and should be brief (fewer than 75 words). It should relate directly to the original question or reply. The Chair may reject any supplementary questions s/he does not consider compliant with this requirement.

The total time for public questions is 15 minutes.

Questions will be put in the order in which they are received.



The Chair shall exercise their discretion as to the response given to the question and any supplementary questions.

If the person asking the question has indicated they will attend, responses to questions will be made available in the Committee Room in writing before the start of the meeting. Copies of the questions and answers will be available to all in attendance and on the County Council's website. .

If the person asking the question indicates they will not be attending the Committee, a written response will simply be sent.

The responses to questions will not be read out at the meeting.

The Chair may give an oral response to a supplementary question or may require another Member or Officer to answer it. If an oral answer cannot be conveniently given, a written response will be sent to the questioner within seven days of the meeting.

If the person who has given notice of the question is not present at the meeting or if any questions remain unanswered within the 15 minutes allowed for questions, a written response will be sent within seven working days of the meeting.


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